Frequently Asked Question

How often should my dog be groomed?

This dependant on many factors, including the breed of the dog, age, lifestyle, coat type and desired look.

However, typically for curly coated breeds (poodle crosses etc) it is recommended they are groomed every 6-10 weeks.

I am happy to advise on frequency at the appointment and we can make a plan to maintain their coat.

Do I leave or stay with my dog while its being groomed?

I find that dogs are usually better behaved when their owner is not present for the groom, and it ensures they receive my full attention.

Do you have multiple dogs in the studio at once?

I only ever have dogs from one household in at a time. This is to make the experience more relaxing for the dogs and there are less distractions.

Do you use crates in the studio?

I do not use crates for drying or holding but have dog beds instead.

How do I pay?

I accept cash or card, whichever is easier for you.

What are your opening hours?

We are open Mon-Friday 9-5pm, and Saturday mornings upon request.


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